You will never be a transaction or just another number. You're family when you partner with us!
We Are Different!
Our Promise to You
We provide upfront pricing for every project.
We create custom program solutions for what you need without inflating the price with extra add-ons.
Upfront Pricing with Customer Solutions
We do not offer rock bottom pricing or take a loss on projects the first year, just to double or triple the contract the following year. We are building a relationship with you. We do not believe in luring you in with impossibly low fees with the intent to significantly raise them at renewal time.
We Support our Schedulers and Evaluators
We do not list projects on a job board with no one to answer questions from evaluators like other companies do or wait several weeks with no one watching the projects.
We do not shut down on the weekends resulting in missed shops because an evaluator had some questions about your shops before performing them
We offer non-contract options and discounted contract options.
We offer military discounts to certified veteran business. Our CEO is military connected (US Navy). Are you?
Save Time
We have some grant funds for small businesses to assist with their start-up, too!
Non-contract projects will have minimal modification fees.
All market research programs (secret shop, audits, call evaluations, focus groups, etc) recieve a FREE Customized Robust Online Dashboard. Call it ROD. You can spend you time logging into and running reports, or ROD can email you the reports automatically. Stop spending time creating charts and graphs and let ROD do it for you. Save THOUSANDS!
We promise to sell you what you need in a customized program to benefit both of our bottom lines. It's a Win-Win!
It's NEVER a Win-Lose situation!
We believe a WIN-WIN relationship. We win your contract and you win exactly what you need without overpaying. We will sell you what you need and not what you don't.
If you want just mystery or secret shops with nothing but the FREE dashboard- You got it!
If you want an executive summary and weekly, monthly, or quarterly reports in addition to your shops- You got it!
We will build you a custom program for what you need.
How do we keep our prices low?
When the pandemic began, we realized the mystery shopping industry was about to take a massive hit, with stores closing and businesses being restricted.
Remote work opened up a world of opportunities with a reduced cost! We do not have the overhead of a large building and everything that comes with it. We pass that savings down to you!
Are we just as reliable as other companies? YES! Actually, working remotely enables us to work non-standard hours late at night and over the weekend. Many companies did not survive the strains of the pandemic as their clients canceled projects. Some were sold to other companies, but others just closed. Our team put their heads together to ensure we could form and survive. All of our staff have worked in multiple positions at small and large mystery shopping companies, which has enhanced our collective knowledge of different project types and procedures.